10 Habits To Improve Your Memory and Boost Your Brain Health

brain health, cognitive function, memory, learning, degenerative disease prevention
Small Things You Do Daily Can Positively Affect Your Brain's Health. Be Mindful Of What You Choose To Do!

Want to improve your brain's health? I don't think there would be anyone saying no to this question.

We all want a better, healthy brain. Our brain controls our body and makes things done.

Your brain helping you read this article right now, and when you are finished, it will help you retain the important information.

The better the brain health, the better you would be your problem-solving skills, memory and learning skills.

And not only in your working age, a healthy brain would reward you with a healthier old age.

So, maybe you want to reconsider your answer if you said no or were not sure what to say, to my question.

All you need is these simple daily habits that will boost your brain's performance to a great extent. From helping to learn better to preventing brain degenerating diseases like dementia; these simple habits will greatly benefit your brain.

Let's see what science suggest you do.

7 Ways To Boost Your Personal Wellness Today

We go through so much stress every single day that it might be a little difficult to focus on your personal wellness. However, personal wellness is something you need above all. Here are some basic things you need to start doing today to improve your personal wellness, and start living a fulfilling life

Personal Wellness Is Something You Need To Live A Fulfilling Life 

There are a lot of factors that affect our wellness, including physical, mental and social factors. Personal wellness is something we all need. It helps us be the best of ourselves so that we can live a life that we dream to live. Our wellness affects our actions as well as our emotions. 

Improving your personal wellness will not only help you reduce your daily stress levels, but also prevent a lot of major diseases as well as promote a good mental health.

Here are some of the basic ways which you should incorporate in your daily life to start improving your personal wellness today. 

5 Reasons Why You Should Read The Alchemist By Paulo Coelho (Bonus! Book Quotes)

Here are 5 reasons why The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho is my all-time favourite book. | Image by: Anthony Tran

The Alchemist is my all-time favourite book. Whenever I feel negative or down, I turn to this book. I remember falling in love with it the first time I read it. Since then, I’ve read this book many times, and each time I’m enlightened with a new positive thought. 

I admire the simplicity of Paulo Coelho’s writing and the story of The Alchemist.

I don’t want to give away the story because it’s best if you read it yourself and experience the whole story from your point of view. But just in case you are wondering, the story is about a young shepherd who sets out, exploring the world in search of treasure, and finally finds it where he never expected.

And isn’t that relatable?

However, this book covers a lot more than just that.

Here are my top 5 reasons to read The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho.

Depression Help: How To Identify Depression And What To Do When You Spot It

mental health, depression, depression diagnosis, depression definition, symptoms of depression
How to identify depression and what to do when you spot it.

Hundreds of researches have been done studying about the prevalence of mental illnesses, and how much people in general know about mental illnesses.

The results are not good, by the way.

Researches suggest that today 1 in 4 people suffer from some kind of mental illness. That makes a total percentage of 25% people living with a mental illness.

Studies have also found that people don't know what to do even when they spot depression.

That's just plain sad. Especially because depression, mixed with anxiety is the most common mental illness in the world. You probably know someone who is right now suffering from depression.

The diseases is so stigmatized that people don't really openly talk about it.

It is important that we discuss about it, and acknowledge that mental health is important as well.

It is going to be just a brief post about the symptoms of depression. This is just to enlighten you so that you can spot depression in others, or yourself, and realize when to get help.

Depression is a mental disorder which is characterized by low mood, low energy and lack of interests in activities that were once enjoyed by the person.

It affects how you feel, think and behave. The feeling of well-being is lost.

It is a common but a serious mental disorder, and is contributing to greater portion of suicide rates.

Although a low mood is normal in certain events of life, like loss of loved ones etc, it becomes a problem when it persists and causes disability.

Mental Health Disorders: The Truth About Mental Health and Illnesses

The month of may is celebrated as the Mental Health Month in the United States since the year 1949. It was started by the National Association For Mental Health, now known as Mental Health America.

In the month of may people reach out to each other and talk about mental health, and conduct various activities related to mental health and awareness. Every year the theme of discussion is different. For example, the theme of 2016 was "Life With A Mental Illness" and that of 2017 was "Risky business". 

This year's theme is "Fitness #4Mind4Body". 

They are making an effort this year by sharing information about food, exercises, stress etc, and also there is a Fitness #4Mind4Body challenge, which is pretty cool. More details are available on their website.

Interestingly, Mental Health America was actually established by a psychiatric patient, Clifford W. Beers, whose experience with ill-treatment, personally and on others, made him start a reform movement.

After all, someone can only be empathetic if they've been in the same shoes as the other.

While it's great that we have a month dedicated to mental health awareness, and to reach out and help people with mental illness, the work actually required in support of mental health and awareness is not a month job. It requires long term efforts and commitment.

So, in honour of Mental Health Awareness Month and the efforts of Mental Health America, I'm going to make efforts from my side in enlightening whoever read this, about mental health, why it is important to take care of your mental health, and how you can help someone with mental illness.

Dealing With My Frustration

Lately I've been frustrated. Like really frustrated. Sometimes people can really get to your nerve! But from what I've learnt from the past, I don't want any feeling to consume me. I've spent past few weeks getting frustrated about how things are not how I hoped for and how people are disappointing me again and again. That's a couple of weeks drowned in frustration, and 2 weeks wasted being angry. Honestly, I could really use this time in something productive, and frankly I can't afford to lose time in negative emotions since I've some important events coming up.

I'm grown up enough to realize that most of the time things are not going to be the way we want it to be, and people generally suck. It's something we can't help. But I really need to calm myself down to focus. So, I've come up with a small plan about what I'm going to do, with the hope that it will help me (and others).

The Basics Of Health: Focus On These 9 Things For A Healthier And Happier Life

In a world where everyone is hustling hard, health gets neglected pretty often. No judgments here, I have been that neglectful person too. Well, I’m still a work in progress, but I can tell you that you can upgrade your health by focusing on some really basic things.

There are a few basic components of good health which will always affect your overall health and wellbeing, and if you just focus on those instead of some complicated lifestyle, I think you will be able to stay healthy for a long, long time. 

Why a healthy lifestyle? From diabetes to hypertension and cancer, all modern day diseases are linked to unhealthy lifestyle. And we know this— it’s not a new information, and yet we don’t make the required effort, maybe because we don’t know where to start.

Now, the question is how to start then? Well, give your body a little bit of time to first get into the idea of being changing your lifestyle a bit to a healthier one.

And if you've decided to be a bit more healthy, start with the following basic steps, the ABC of the journey to healthy.

Why You Shouldn't Care About What Other's Think

personal wellness, mental health, self-development
If You Want To Live A Happy Life, Consider Not Caring About What People Think

All those who are guilty of not doing something they love or want to do just because they were scared of what others will think raise your hand. Okay, don't lie to yourself, I know you're as guilty as I am.

For me- however- that's the past, thankfully, but what about you? Do you still give a shit what others think about you? If you do then, my next question is simple: why?

Why does what others think about us bother us? And that too so much that we're willing to sacrifice our happiness? Is it really worth it?

How To Improve Concentration While Studying

study tips, college survival guide,
Easy Ways To Improve Your Concentration

Sometimes it takes a bit of an extra effort to soak up the information while you're studying because you can't damn concentrate. Is that a problem for you too, or is it just me? Am I the only one who suck? Naah, I know I'm not the only sucker, suckers!

Anyway, so since you and me; we both have issues on this topic let's see what we can do about it.

Here are a few things that you can do:

1. Self-control:

That's no brainer. If you wanna study you need to make up your mind first. Be determined that you are gonna study the hell out today. If random ideas pop in your head and try to lure you out of the deal, treat them like a mortal enemy and tell them "get the hell out of my way or I'mma light saber you down, bitch".

Leave rest of the shit to deal with later.

self development, college, study tips

Consider The Other Bear As The Distractions

2. Say bye to technology:

Throw away your phone in the back of your cupboard or something, lock it and swallow the key. Yeah, if that helps you stay concentrated, do that. The world won't end if you'll check your messages 1 hour later.

Put away even your laptop. Use it if it's absolutely necessary; say, to check something on wikipedia.

No excuses to self. Nothing like "I'll watch this episode of Big Bang Theory and then I'll start". NO! Because you know it never ends with one episode.
Lol. I love the show!

3. Find an appropriate place:

Now this not necessarily have to be a big separate room with a beautiful view outside the window. Not everyone's life is like tumblr. Everyone has different study spot: it could be your room, your dining table, your garden or even a coffee shop! If you like change of view, you can change your study spot in every few hours.

Similarly, some like to sit on table, and some walk and study. Some people concentrate better with pin drop silence and some listens to music. Some do silent reading, and some like to scream the words out. Now, none of these are abnormal behaviour. And no matter how weird it appears to another person, do whatever works for you.

study tips

Good use of attic, huh. But remember, you don't have to have a fancy place like this.

4. Exercise:

Let's look at the science of it: exercise releases brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is an important factor memory, concentration and mental sharpness. BDNF rewires the circuit of memory and makes them work better. When you exercise, you use more brain cells, and this in turn results in the secretion of BDNF.

Harvard Medical School advices you to workout at least 5 out 7 days a week for effective production of BDNF. Bad new to the lazy people who don't exercise or exercise for like twice a year- you can't find a pill for this substance and only brain produces it. And working out once in a while won't help either. You gotta exercise regularly to stimulate its release.

So, that's why they say. "exercise"!

Now, grab your shoes and go for a run.

study tips

But not like this!

5. Plan it out, set a goal:

Plan out what you need to study each day. For example, study 4 topics today. Take break after you finish each topic or every 1 hourly or so, depending upon your threshold and the length of the topic. Set a time period in which you need to complete the topic, set a timer. You can involve a friend and kind of compete; who finishes first.

After you finish one topic, treat yourself with something good like maybe an episode of the big bang theory or maybe check out facebook for some time or eat something your really like.

You can discuss and study too. But make sure you don't end up gossiping about the latest episode of Game of Thrones. Duh. That's what happens mostly, I know.

Source: http://the-girlygeek.tumblr.com

6. Snacking and staying hydrated:

Don't forget to snack! Your brain needs a constant supply of glucose for adequate functioning. Also, drink plenty of water. Dehydration affects your mental state, more than you think.

Source: butteryplanet.tumblr.com 

7. Chill, dude!:

Don't stress out. Chill. If you're stressing out too much, thinking negatively about the exam constantly, you're never going to be able to concentrate. It's an exam and you got it. You'll do just fine. Just make sure you don't leave everything for the last minute to avoid freaking out. Yeah, we all been there.

If you start to panic: put your pen down and take 3 deep breathes. Go slowly and steadily, and you'll be fine.
Remember, the world isn't ending.

Source: 8track.tumblr.com 

I hope you find these simple tips useful. Study well, but don't beat yourself.

© Quirky Writes 2016

Depression: The Infographic

infographic, mental health, depression

A small, fun project, with an aim of #SpreadingAwareness. I hope you find it informative. Help spread the information.